The Festival of All Design
FADfest is the FAD‘s annual event celebrating creative excellence. It recognises the work of professionals and businesses and brings design closer to the citizens. A showcase in which to discover the best proposals of the year in architecture, interior design, graphic design, advertising, industrial design, the handicrafts, art and fashion that is held in Barcelona between 6 and 12 of June 2016.
The FADfest will unfold in two directions:
On one hand, «The Best Design of the Year» with the prizes awarded by the different FAD associations and the exhibition that features the shortlisted works. This pivot also organises the Arqu[in]FILM festival of film and architecture.
On the other, this year’s central theme which, with the name of «Dress Rehearsal. Food, Sustainable Emergency and Design» launches the challenge of putting the city to the test from the point of view of food sustainability. Using design’s ability to prefigure new scenarios, we will organise a large-scale meal to demonstrate that another way of producing and consuming food is possible.
Fostering Arts and Design is FAD, a private not-for-profit association that promotes design and architecture in the country’s economic, cultural and social spheres. Founded in the year 1903, the FAD has become a standard in the fields of design and architecture in Catalonia and Spain thanks to its ongoing work in promoting the creative industries and in supporting professionals and businesses in this field through prizes to excellence, conferences, exhibitions, publications and events. In this regard, the FAD plays a leading role in dynamising design, as a catalyst of innovation.
The FAD is articulated through various associations that represent the different disciplines of design:
ADI-FAD, industrial design
ADG-FAD, graphic design and visual communication
ARQUIN-FAD, architecture and interior design
A-FAD, handicrafts and gold- and silversmithing
MODA-FAD, image and fashion
Opening: 06/06, 20 h
Dates: 07/06 – 30/10
Tuesday to Sunday 10.00h to 20.00h.
Sala A. Disseny Hub Barcelona
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