Thursday 26th of November 2015
Iñaki Ábalos
@ 18.30, IAAC Auditorium
Open to the Public
Ábalos+Sentkiewicz (AS+) is an international architecture office settled in Madrid, Cambridge and Shanghai, directed by Iñaki Ábalos and Renata Sentkiewicz. AS+ projects are internationally recognized and have been subject of monographic and collective exhibitions in prestigious centers such as Architectural Association London, Pavillon de l’Arsenale-Paris, MoMA-NYC and the Venice Biennale. AS+ professional and theoretical work has won multiple awards and been featured in leading
Iñaki Ábalos is Founder and Director of AS+, Professor in Residence and Chair of the Department of Architecture at the GSD Harvard University and Chaired Professor at ETSAM, UPM. In the past years he has been Founder and Director of Ábalos & Herreros and taught in celebrated institutions such as the Architectural Association, EPFL and Columbia, Cornell and Princeton Universities.
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