Urbanism in the Experience Age Symposium
Barcelona, September 16th – 17th 2016
Next September 16th and 17th Saskia Sassen, Carlo Ratti, Philippe Rahm, Janet Sanz Cid, Areti Markopoulou and Tomás Diez are among the speakers who will meet inBarcelona to discuss Advanced Urbanism at the Responsive Cities Symposium.
The Symposium is one of the main activities carried out under the Knowledge Alliance for Advanced Urbanism – KAAU EU co-funded project. KAAU is seeking to promote the innovative education and training that emerging technologies require, developing courses, symposiums and an educational and training platform.
Over the last decades a new generation of cities and new city-planning paradigms have emerged. Urban development leaders and governments throughout the world have begun to consider innovative systems, driven by information and communication technologies, to be critical drivers with which to face today’s urban challenges.
The Information Age is now giving way to an Experience Age, characterized by high levels of physical interaction and emotional involvement. In this context, the Responsive Cities Symposium claims a renewed active role for architects: the objective is to go beyond the limitations of the “Smart City” vision, investigating “Advanced Urbanism”, intended as the practice of designing and planning receptive and reactive spaces, rather than the mere application of technological systems.
Such a vision requires to rethink our design tools and planning processes, as well as the invitation to revise the educational models surrounding urban sciences.
Attendance is free of charge, but places are limited, so registration is required.
The Responsive Cities Symposium / Urbanism in the Experience Age is organized by the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia
Register for the Symposium
Saskia Sassen, Carlo Ratti, Philippe Rahm, Manuel Gausa, Janet Sanz Cid, Lydia Kallipoliti, Albert Cañigueral, Ethel Baraona Pohl, Mar Santamaria, Areti Markopoulou, Tomas Diez, Mariina Hallikainen are among the keynote speakers.VENUE
The Social and Cultural Centre of “la Caixa” Banking Foundation in Barcelona
Av. Francesc Ferrer i Guàrdia, 6-8, 08038 Barcelona, Spain
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