The Disseny Hub Barcelona is filled with different personalities rooted in the world of architecture to talk about the multiple roles of cities in the 21st century, of architecture and urbanism in contemporary society and to present the Protocol Barcelona, a document built throughout the day through the contributions of twenty-six international voices.
The Barcelona Protocol is an intensive symposium that presents a soft manifesto of intentions with goals and aspirations for the future of the city. Organized in seven panels (Public Space, Public Housing, Public Infrastructure, Public Culture, Public Education, Public Futures and Public Visions), the event consists of a series of presentations and round tables to discuss the means and methods by which we build, think and dream cities, the urban and the concept of public. Each speaker presents three reflections on Re-Growth, the theme of this first edition of Model sharing important values and strategies to be considered in the production and articulation of knowledge on a local and international scale.
Copenhagen is the guest city of Model. Barcelona Architecture Festival as the 2023 World Architecture Capital. For this reason, there will be speakers from this city and also representatives of Rio de Janeiro, the 2020 World Architecture Capital; as well as architects, urban planners and political leaders from different cities around the world.
The event takes place in the main auditorium of the DHUB, in Plaça de les Glòries Catalanes, with readings by the poet Eduard Escoffet.
Maarten Gielen, Iñaki Carnicero, Cristina Gamboa, Camilla van Deurs, Nader Tehrani, Zaida Muxí, Manuel Ciraqui, Assumpció Puig, Sérgio Magalhães, Kristine Munkgard Pedersen, Laia Grau, Carlos Moreno, Janet Sanz, Clara Blanchar, Josep Bohigas, Xavi Matilla i molts més.
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