» » » Iaac Spring Lectures. MANUEL GAUSA

Iaac Spring Lectures. MANUEL GAUSA

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Tuesday 3rd of June 2014
Manuel Gausa – IAAC Dean
Lecture: The figure of the Architect. From Medium to Mediator?

@ 19.30, IAAC Auditorium
Open to the Public


(1983 – ETSAB), PHD (2005 – ETSAB), by the Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya (European Mention). Principal Partner and Co-Director of Gausa+Raveau actarquitectura, office of architecture, landscape and urban design. From 1991 to 2000 Director of the magazine “Quaderns d’Arquitectura i Urbanisme”. Since 1994 Founding Member of Actar Architecture and Actar Projects Editorials. Honoured with the Médaille de l’Académie d’Architecture de France in 2000.
Since 2006 Professor of a Project design Studio in the Faculty of Architecture (Università degli Studi di Genova) in Genoa.
 He is also Director of the ADD (Scuola de Dottorato in Architettura e Design – Università degli Studi di Genova – PHD Program) of Genoa. Since 2008: Full Professor of Projects and Composition at DIPARC Dipartamento Di Progettazione e Costruzione Dell’Architettura – Facolta di Architettura – Università degli Studi di Genova. From 2006 to 2008, Director of the Master Program “Intelligent Coast” hosted by Fundació Politècnica de Catalunya. 2008- 2012 Vice-president of the Advisory Council for the Sustainable Development (CADS), Generalitat de Catalunya. Since January 2009 he is Director of the GIC-Lab (Genoa Intelligent Contexts Laboratory), Urban and Territorial Research Laboratory – DSA-FA-UNIGE- Universitá degli Studi di Genova. Since 2011 Member of the Consell Consultiu de l’Hàbitat Urbà, Ajuntament de Barcelona and Member of the Scientific Technical Committee of CRUIE,“Centro di Ricerca per l’Urbanistica, le Infrastrutture e l’Ecologia” – UNIGE – Universitá degli Studi di Genova. From 1998 to 2003 he was President of Metapolis and President of the Scientific Committee at the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia.
Author of various articles and published works, such as “Housing, new alternatives, new systems”, “Metapolis Dictionary of Advanced Architecture”, “HiperCatalunya: Research Territories”, “Operative Optimism” among others. In July 2012 he was appointed Dean at the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia.