Hi Walkers! Gaudi Walking Tour Review
This week we want to share with you a nice review about our BARCELONA & GAUDI walking tour lead by our leading architect Miguel Angel.
It was a nice walk with an Australian family with two girls, whose have been enjoying and learning about Gaudi and the Barcelona modernism with our Barcelona & Gaudí walking tour.
Allways is fantastic walk with childrens!
“Gaudi Tour”
I don’t usually leave reviews, but the tour with Miguel was excellent. His knowledge and obvious passion for the subject, really brought architecture and specifically Gaudi alive for our family. Even our girls (aged 11 & 9) loved it. And the extra bonus for us, was that kids under 12 were free!
My wife & I both thought it was a fantastic intro to the city and would highly recommend it to anyone. Many thanks again Miguel & especially for your passion. Don’t change!
Family, it was a pleasure walk beside you… We love our little Walkers!
And we remind you that we continue with our walking tours as usual:
BARCELONA & GAUDI a great start to discover the genius of Gaudí.
& THE SEA discover Barcelona through its architecture.
& THE FUTURE CITY walk through the smart city looking for our Future and discover with us the new Superblock at Poblenou.
& THE URBANISM travel with us to the origins of the modern Barcelona.
& THE MARKET see Barcelona through the eyes of Enric Miralles.
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