Strategies of Digital Disobedience lecture by François Roche.
New-Territories is a polymorphous architecture organization. Founded in 1993, it has embraced different labels, names, strategies and purposes. New-Territories is fronted by the androgynous avatar, trans-gender avatar, _S/he_, who authorized François Roche to write, talk and teach on his/her behalf, as a PS / personal secretary, an Ariadne’s wire of this ectoplasmic system and paranoiac mind. ‘New-Territories’ emerged through the multitude of meeting points, friendship and dispute, in the hollow of sympathy, empathy, antipathy…
New-Territories seek to articulate the real and/or fictional, geographic situations and narrative structures that can transform them, with technology, robotic and human natures, physiological and psychological.
Exhibited among other places, at Pompidou Center, SF Moma, Tate Modern, Barbican London, CCA Montreal… selected eight times at Venice Biennial, in national and international Pavilion, including last show are Chicago Biennial 2015, Istanbul Biennial 2016 and main solo exhibition: “s/he would rather do FICTION MAKer”, Frac Centre, France (Instagram of the show
‘’S/he’’ got in 2017 her-his first position in Vienna at ‘The Academy of Fine Arts’.
Among the teaching positions held by his-her P.S. F Roche, NewT has been guest professor, over the last decade, in London, Vienna, Barcelona, Los Angeles, Paris, in New-York from 2006 to 2013 at Columbia University, and this last four years at RMIT, Melbourne.
IAAC Lecture Series 2017/18
Wednesday 29th of November 2017
François Roche, Personal Secretary of ‘’S/he”
Strategies of Digital Disobedience
“S_he would rather do Fiction Maker”
Flash back 1993-2050
@ 19.30, IAAC Auditorium
Open to the Public
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